Our Latest News
Just to let all our clients know that we are fully operational during the lockdown. Also to assure you...
Sanding & sealing of newly installed Poplar floor
Busy sealing floor with Loba Polar floor after sealing
Covi-19 Economic Climate
I don’t think any one of us would ever have dreamed that the whole world would be in the state we are...
Yellow-wood floor sanded & sealed by us
Busy sanding Yellow wood floor Yellow wood floor after sealing with Loba waterborne sealer
News Letter
We would like to thank all our clients for supporting us in these difficult times. I would like to...
Oak floor installed by us.
New Oak floor installed by us. Sanded and sealed with Loba waterborne sealer
Bare Floors versus carpets
New Scientist magazine noted that our exposure to most toxic pollutants is between 10 and 50 times...